With viewpints as different as their anatomical gifts, it's no wonder men and women make love and war. Maybe if we knew the view from the other side, it wouldn't be so frustrating.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

He Said She Said

How can men be so insensitive? Why don't they just listen? Why don't they ever ask for directions or share their feelings?
Why are women so crazy? How can they change their minds so often? If they would just say what they wanted...

This blog of sexual viewpoints will explore the diammetrically opposed perceptions and positions of men and women. We hope both sexes will benefit from the dialogue and discourse and gain valuable insight into the inner workings of the male and female operating systems.


Blogger Lawsuited said...

women are crazy as a general rule in man speak. Stand around any group of men, talking about women, and you will hear the term in place of emotional. It's not meant to be deragotory or offensive, simply a lazy feelings protecting man term.

There are stereotypes for a reason.
General tendencies are studied to allow greater insight into the overall male collective. 2 out of 7 men who are lost asking for directions sound slike a minority. So you worry about the 2, and I'll talk about the 5. Everybody wins.
Remember, the point here is to have open dialog about men and women interacting. The hope is that it will open up some ears and eyes of the opposite gender when it comes to understanding and communication.
Best of luck in your relationships. What brought you to the blog by the way?

6:23 AM


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